Arie Windmiller über Corona in Israel: „500.000 Arbeitslose in 20 Tagen“

Am 7. Februar feierte das Max-Windmüller-Gymnasium den 100. Geburtstag seines Namensgebers mit einer großen Jubiläumsveranstaltung, zu der die Schule über dreißig Referenten begrüßen durfte. Neben Gästen aus ganz Deutschland reisten auch Arie Windmiller, der Neffe Max Windmüllers, und seine Frau Shosh aus Israel zu diesem Ereignis an. Gerade einmal sechs Wochen sind seither vergangen und die Welt ist eine andere: Der internationale Flugverkehr ist auf ein Minimum heruntergefahren, die Grenzen diverser Staaten sind geschlossen und Menschen in aller Welt bleiben zu Hause, um die weitere Ausbreitung des Virus zu verlangsamen.

Auch Arie und Shosh Windmiller bleiben in ihrem Haus und warten ab, wie sie berichten:

„At of this moment we have 705 confirmed sick Corona virus (Codi-19) patients. 12 of the are in a severe condition and 4 out of the 12 are critical or fatal ages 91 and, 89, 67 and 45.

The government issued a state of emergency with some restrictions. We are at home since last Sunday with Toilet Paper stock for a week..  🙂
The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) have sent its ABC units to disinfecting designated areas, non combat units will help the families of the medical teams (nursing the children and other staff)
The three lone soldiers that we have adopted (one from Italy one from Madrid, Spain and one from Austin Texas USA) are ok .
We show here solidarity and help people who need medicine and/or supplies, to bring it to their door steps.
Since we are over 60 years old (Shosh and I) we should stay at home as much as possible, no visitors, a lot sense of humor always  helps and we do it a lot.
Unemployment rate is very high – 500.000 in 20 days.
Field hospitals are being built and ready (hopefully they will stay empty).
Bear in mind that Israel is a small country with ~8,000,000 inhabitants and everything is relative :-)).
No assemblies of more than 10 people 2 meters apart, Synagogues are closed for this Shabbat and no family gatherings for Friday night dinner (Shabbat evening Dinner).
Yesterday evening 18:00 local time all the porches, balconies and verandas where full with families applauding the medical teams for their it was all around the country, it shows the solidarity and it was very touching.  
Several laboratories and institutes are working on either a vaccine and/or a medicine for this pandemic
Nobel price winner Prof. Michael Levitt, brought up some optimistic Models for what is going to happen here.
Hope for better news
Hugs to all!“